
May God be pleased as you share your blessings with others less fortunate.

CrossWalk Ministries
PO Box 3568
Lapine, OR 97739



We use your donation where there is the greatest unmet need. This is a big help as we seek to keep all our ministries funded.


Used for ministry projects to further the gospel message as we reach out to meet physical and spiritual needs in LaPine/Central Oregon


Used to fund future ministry opportunities as God opens doors. We have seen thousands respond to the gospel message.

On the prayer list for 2010: AFRICA, BRAZIL, COLOMBIA AND INDIA,


We presently have 4 different types of ministries we fund in India. We work with a local group: The Samraksha Society. They understand the area, the needs, and the best way to stretch our dollars. We have found them to be completely trustworthy and tireless workers for the cause of Christ. As you review these donation options you will see that some of these cost 10-15% of what larger ministries require for similar efforts.

MISSIONS PASTOR SUPPORT – $600.00 per year

Support a Pastor and his family for an entire year! This allows a Pastor to work full-time, for 2-3 years until his church is able to take over. Some Pastors will have up to 4 congregations they work with. This is an extremely poor locale.

Support Native Pastors in India

Children Rejoice in a Fresh Water “Jesus Well”

FRESHWATER WELLS – $580.00 each


To date we have been able to fund 29 wells in areas where thousands of people have had access to only surface water filled with disease-ridden bacteria. These wells are able to completely change the life possibilities for thousands of families. Each well has a plaque which gives glory to Almighty God, the One True God who cares for them and meets their needs with the ‘water of life’.

ORPHAN SUPPORT – $230.00 per year

This is another great opportunity to completely change a child’s life. As Samraksh Society ministers in the villages they single out children with the greatest needs. Several have had parents die of AIDS (rampant in India also), or are abandoned because parents could not care for them. To date our extended family supports 23 orphan children. This provides shelter, clothes, food, and a great Christian education. All these kids can recite Bible verses without assistance. The society has facilities to take care of 200 children total, currently hosting 100.

Orphans in India You Can Help Support

“Jesus Video” Shared with Crowd in India

JESUS VIDEO TEAM – $6340.00 per year

This 3 man team (driver, technician, and evangelist) travels from village to village, alley to alley, sets up and shows the video “The Jesus Film”, based on the Gospel of Luke. They announce the showing from a large speaker mounted on their jeep. Many people come the 1st night the film is shown, and the gospel is preached. Word of mouth brings even more the 2nd night! Monthly results: Average 500-600 decisions for Christ! With 200-250 that sign up for 6 week follow up classes from the gospel of John. Many of these people then plug into one of the local churches. Pastors that we support report church growth as a result of these films. We have supported this ministry the last 2 years, seen it in action personally and it is INCREDIBLE!

Donations payable to:
PO BOX 3568,