A Message from Pastor Marshall

Marshall and Rhonda Wolcott
As one of the founders of CrossWalk Ministries I come to it with a single focus. That is to ‘run my race’ and ‘to finish strong all the way to the finish line’, keeping my eyes fixed on Jesus and dependent entirely upon His grace and His promises. I seek only to further His Kingdom and have no desire to establish my own.
I was born into the Kingdom of God at age 29 after realizing my so-called ‘better than most life’ was filthy rags in God’s sight. A pastor (Truman Herring) shared with me from scripture and after just one meeting I knew I was lost and undone. I surrendered to Christ and have never regretted it.
I have served in various ministries as an ordained deacon and elder and also director of evangelism. My education has come from ‘being there’ on the battlefield for souls. I have learned to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading and be open to last minute changes, even in the most difficult of situations.
I have seen God’s protection in hostile areas, His provision in preaching and teaching, His power to win thousands to Jesus, and His grace to supply all our needs. I do not worry about failing, but only about following Jesus wherever He takes us. I do not look on the outward appearance for assurance, but I seek to know Him as THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE (he is the sole reason for the Hope that is in me) and The Father who gives bread not stones.
I need His mercy every day but I also expect His best every day. I pray that you will experience the joy He has given me!! Look for Him – Listen for Him – Live for Him.
Your brother in Christ,
Pastor Marshall Wolcott