Our purpose is to PROCLAIM THE GOOD NEWS OF SALVATION IN JESUS CHRIST locally and to the ends of the earth. We seek to be His hands and feet to this community, caring for the needs of the people, spiritually, and physically. In our fellowship we will seek to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, relaxed but reverent, with Bible-centered preaching and teaching. We seek to encourage and equip each person to walk in God’s purpose for their life and to foster a vision for hands-on ministry.
We believe the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Elijah and David wants to work in our lives in similar ways and with the same power as in the days of old! We encourage a hunger for God and a personal relationship with Him, not content to live only vicariously through the lives of the Bible characters. We do not want to be content to know only the truth about God, but endeavor rather to test it, to prove it, to experience and realize His power lived out in our individual lives. We believe that the depth of our relationship with God is limited only by us and our yielding to His will.
JESUS is the answer for the deepest concerns of the heart and the one HOPE that can never be taken away! If you have any questions, please call (541) 536-7524 or send me an email.
We look forward to having you join us!
Needing His mercy, Expecting His Best,
Marshall Wolcott
CrossWalk Ministries
LaPine, OR 97739
Recommended Reading…
“KISSES FROM KATIE” by Katie Davis
“NOT A FAN” by Kyle Idleman